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Welcome! We are glad that you are interested in more information about our program. We work in collaboration with the Parks, Recreation and Waterfront Department and the Burlington School District. We currently serve approximately 90 students per day in kindergarten through fifth grade at CP Smith School. We are open on any full day of school (including the extra hour on Wednesdays) and closed when school is closed. Typically,the Parks and Rec Department offers vacation camps to help with childcare during school breaks.


Our program is divided into two main chunks: "Snack & Play" and "Class Time" (click here for our daily schedule). During Snack & Play, all students have the option of a healthy snack each afternoon, anything from a piece of fruit up to a full meal, as well as a bagged snack to take home. When students are not eating they have a free-play option (outside as much as weather permits). The second part of the afternoon is centered around classes. At the beginning of the session students select from a range of classes designed to appeal to a variety of interests - active games, music, arts, cooking, technology, and more!

Classes meet once a week for the entire session - for example, a student could sign up for Basketball on Mondays, Pottery on Tuesdays,  Nature Explorers on Wednesdays, and so on. Fridays tend to be a little different, with all students having a choice of different activities each week.  Kindergartners do not sign up for classes first session, but instead participate in a program designed specifically around the needs of younger students while still drawing ideas from the selections offered to older students. During the second session they join the rest of the students in selecting their classes.


     The base cost of the program is $15.00 per day, even for

Wednesdays when students come an hour early due to early school dismissal. However, it is our goal that no students be turned away because of cost. We can help families apply for a childcare subsidy through Child Care Resource, which often covers 100% of the cost. We also have sliding scale and academic scholarship options that can bring the program costs down considerably (often to less than $1 per day). We have a dedicated family outreach coordinator, Ali Dieng, who can help you with the required paperwork and any questions about financial aid that you might have. Please contact us if you would like him to contact you.





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